January 11, 2010

Week One Results

So, the first full week of the weight loss challenge has come and gone. I was in the process of getting a chart together to share and then I realized that not everyone will want their information out there. Granted, it might be more of a motivator but it is not my place to put it all out there. Perhaps I can put the weight to a color. You can then guess what color goes to whom! That might be fun. Hmmmm, I think I may be on to something now. BUT, I cannot do that until we have all players in place. Right now, there are 3 late comers so the chart would be slightly lopsided. Look for a chart next week then, with colors in place of names.

So, that brings me to this week’s results. Everyone but me has to pay 6 bucks. That means I lost 3 pounds and had the largest weight loss for the week. Don't count on that for next week though. For some reason my weigh in at the beginning of this was slightly higher than where I typically am and I really don't have that much to lose to begin with. Besides, my goal is to participate and have fun. My other goal is to lean out, tone up and be as healthy as I can be. If that means paying every week (except this week!), then so be it. I will have fun any way.

Next up, bring on the P90X. I am sure most of you have heard of it. The incredibly intense workout that kicked numerous peoples butts. I would love to see the cardio piece to this program. I already have a lifting program that I really enjoy but for the brutally cold days that keep me indoors on cardio days, I need something I can do. A friend of mine has done the cardio and says it will kill you! Maybe not literally of course but that is her way of saying it is a tough tough workout. And for the weather we have been having lately, a tough cardio workout indoors is not a bad idea. With that being said, I have a friends copy of the program and plan to try out the cardio tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes. I hope I am alive after the cardio workout in order to type my review.

Stay tuned.

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